Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Idea change

Originally in my music video I was going to film scenes in my friends house where her and her boyfriend were going to be in the scenes. This was going to be part of the narrative as it was showing the artist arguing with her boyfriend. I filmed some of these scenes by using close ups, medium shots and over the shoulder shots. However I have changed my idea so the boyfriend isn't in the music video now. I have changed my idea so it is now the artist in her home in different rooms. One scene is the artist sitting at a dinner table alone, this shows her boyfriend hasn't turned up and she is now alone. It also connotes she is sad. Her costume is plain black which connotes sadness.

Another scene is the artist is sat on her bed cutting up photos of her and her boyfriend. This is showing they are not together anymore. It is also showing she is upset and angry with him. The photos are in black and white which is representing her old life. The bed is representing her personal space and ripping the photos here are showing it is personal. Her costume is plain black which connotes sadness and emptiness. I am going to put the music video into black and white to show her life is now sad and she is lonely with out her boyfriend, then I might change the ending so it is in colour to show the artist is going to forget about her ex boyfriend and get on with her life.

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