Thursday, 24 November 2011

First shooting - 23/11/11

Me and Lydia Tomassi (artist for music video) went to East Park to film all the scenes I needed there. We found a really good location within East Park which was a little bridge with trees surrounding us. This looked really good. We started with the first shot which was a tracking however a lot of people were walking past. This has made us aware that we need to get there earlier next time before schools end so there aren't any distractions. We only managed to film a few shots. Another problem was the weather, we wanted it to rain however it didn't. This shooting was useful as it allowed me to experience filming with the cameras. Next time I go to film we want to pour water off of the bridge to make it look like a waterfall because it might not rain whenever me and my performer are available so the water on the bridge can be representing the rain in the lyrics instead of actual rain.

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